
JoiiUp 虹映科技股份有限公司

JoiiSports app,Health Promotion Platform

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 Our R&D team has mastered core technologies such as machine learning, big data analysis, and cloud services, achieving remarkable results that have been highly praised by our clients. Our service platform adopts an open model, integrating various devices from different brands, including wearable devices, fitness equipment, body fat, blood pressure, blood sugar, and ECG measurement devices, allowing users to easily upload their data. To date, we have collected extensive long-term physiological data from both healthy and sub-healthy users, such as exercise records, heart rate, body fat percentage, and blood pressure. We have also established close partnerships with the fitness, medical, and insurance industries. Through regular user demand surveys, we maintain a strong grasp of market trends.

Our platform not only helps users establish health management mechanisms but also leverages our R&D team's expertise in handling large datasets and identifying patterns to perform ... [more]
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2024 SPORTEC- JoiiUp

